Thursday, July 5, 2007

Home (bitter) Sweet Home

I stepped off my Rio flight into the Atlanta airport today, and instantly thought, god I want to be back in Brazil. It really amazes me how much I was dying to come home, to be in my city, to see my family and friends, to be surrounded with that comfort of familiarity--and now that I'm here, all I can think about is how I want to leave again.

Culture shock? Maybe? Fear of having to face the world after graduation? More likely. Missing my Brazilian boo? Definitely. All I know is that I stood in my house this afternoon, the house I grew up in, where I always feel at home, and I felt so oddly out of place. My mom was showing me all the home improvements that had taken place the last four months and I stood there and wanted to cry. I wanted to cry because yes, I missed Brazil, but more because my house didn't feel like a home. Like I wanted it to, like I had imagined it to. Maybe home really is where the heart is... If that is true, my home is without a doubt in Brazil.

Yeah, it would be hard to sacrifice burritos, pho, and Starbucks, but not as hard as you would think. The past four months I have been whining and complaining: "Gooooddd, why don't they have Starbucks here? I mean, I thought they were globalizing!!" Jeanine and I spotted my dream coffee joint this morning at the ATL-port and there was a line. Usually my desperation for mediocre coffee with hella sugar forces me to wait at whatever cost, but today I shrugged and thought...I don't even really want it anymore. HUH?

Just some food for thought (as Jeanine would say...)
I have some major saudades though.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Check out Jeanine's blog:

I swear this girl is going to be famous one day, the way she writes is amazing...
So if you want all the lovingly described details of Brazil, peep it.
(Many more plug's coming your way girrrrl!)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Don't Blink

It's been a while, and for that I apologize. I have the time now, even though I am supposed to be writing a paper...umm, yeah.
These are all the beautiful photos I have been wanting to put up from the past month. Sigh...
Salvador, BRAZIL

These photos are of last night where Valerie, Eryn, Jeanine, Candace, and I drank wine on Val's balconey, which not only overlooks the city, but also this huge theater where there was a concert going on. Val's mae made us snacks and we stayed up there on the 10th floor getting tipsy and telling each other how beautiful and amazing we are. It was a girly night of positive lovin'.

What I see from my window every day...

Random what I like to call "artsy" shots of us poolside drinking--what a surprise!--wine...

These pics are from when we spent the day at this hotel, swimming in the ocean, cocktailing, snacking, soaking up the sun, and of course, taking pictures in our Brazilian bikinis in front of the stunning Salvadorian sunset.

Umm, I think I really like to take pictures of us drinking wine...

Caipirinhas and good ass risotto

Our 'all you can eat' initiation dinner at "Boi Preto" (Black Bull) where we ended the night by taking shots of some kind of red cinnamony liquor, which, from what I remember, tasted like swallowing fire.

The churches here are stunning. Did you know there are 365 of them? One for every day of the year I suppose...

Shots of the city in Pelorinho, the "old city." The square here is where slaves were once auctioned off hundreds of years ago.

Here we are in Salvador, on a tour of the city, and we happened across some fiiiine ass capoeistas. Click on the picture so you can see their six-packs more clearly. Thanks.

Florianopolis, BRAZIL

Bunch of random shots from Floripa...yea, that's me in my white Brazilian bikini. Wish you could see it from the back, huh?

No pictures were taken after or during the "hike from hell" as we just wanted that shit to be over. However, I do have a couple of that night, where we enjoyed ice cold caipirinhas in a beautiful bar overlooking the city with our newfound Brazilian friend (we bonded over the crazy hike), Paula.

I am standing on a cliff in front of a deserted beach that was the destination that took us 2 1/2 hours to get to. Along the way were a bloody arm, an allergic reaction, and some tears... It was truly impossible to forget--as much as I may try.

The straight up jungle shots were taken on the "hike from hell" day.

The beach shots are from Florianopolis, or Floripa, as the locals call it.
Montevideo, URUGUAY

Montevideo, Uruguay, where we didn't do much except eat, drink, and get our hair did for hella cheap yo. Oh, and we found a bar that had my name on it. Yay!

Valparaiso, CHILE

The wine and grill shots are from our drunken adventurous night at our hostel in Valparaiso. Yesss, we grilled it all on our own (ok, with a little help from the owner...)!

The cityscape is the view from our hostel in Valparaiso. I know you're envious.

"Girls Never Call." Hehe...

I just love the rainbow fire hydrant! The ones of just eyes are beautiful as well.

These ones are random shots of the breathtaking Valparaiso, Chile. The city was beautiful, with these amazing hills, and just gorgeous street art on every corner. These pieces probably weren't created with years of formal art school training--the artist picked up some spraypaint, some markers, random mixed media, coupled those with an idea, and...well, there you have it. They are intelligent and powerful as they are beautiful (I like the one of the Statue of Liberty holding nukes...).

Santiago, CHILE

The fabulouso money shots were taken because if you look closely you can see 10,000 printed on the bills. Yea, we look like we're ballers...but in reality 10,000 Chilean pesos is like $20...

Aren't these cookies cute? Just like us, right?

The empty dessert plate is from when we scarfed down this absolutely heavenly deliciousness, only to have the waiter bring us our correct dessert when we had all but licked the dish clean. Yeah, it was hella good.

This is our last night in Santiago. We were at this super hip restaurant/bar and Valerie and Eryn are pointing at these two guys dressed in khakis with loafers and sweaters around their necks. Ewww... See? There are nerds even in Chile.
. . .

At the end of last night, my face hurt from smiling.
And that's how it should always be...
Beijos e abraços